In Quoting constructs§

See primary documentation in context for Word quoting with interpolation and quote protection: qqww

The qqw form of word quoting will treat quote characters literally, leaving them in the resulting words:

my $a = 42say qqw{"$a b" c}.raku;  # OUTPUT: «("\"42", "b\"", "c")␤»

Using the qqww variant allows you to use quote characters for embedding strings in the word quoting structure:

my $a = 42say qqww{"$a b" c}.raku# OUTPUT: «("42 b", "c")␤»

The delimiters of embedded strings are always considered word splitters:

say qqww{'alpha'beta'gamma' 'delta'"epsilon"}.raku# OUTPUT: «("alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta", "epsilon")␤»

Unlike the qqw form, interpolation also always splits (except for interpolation that takes place in an embedded string):

my $time = "now";
$_ = 'ni';
my @list = qqww<$time$time {6*7}{7*6} "$_$_">;
.say for @list# OUTPUT: «now␤now␤42␤42␤nini␤»

Quote protection happens before interpolation, and interpolation happens before word splitting, so quotes coming from inside interpolated variables are just literal quote characters:

my $a = "1 2";
say qqww{"$a$a}.raku# OUTPUT: «("1 2", "1", "2")␤» 
my $b = "\"2 3\"";
say qqww{"$b$b}.raku# OUTPUT: «("1 \"2 3\"", "1", "\"2", "3\"")␤»