In Quoting constructs§

See primary documentation in context for Word quoting with quote protection: qww

The qw form of word quoting will treat quote characters literally, leaving them in the resulting words:

say qw{"a b" c}.raku# OUTPUT: «("\"a", "b\"", "c")␤»

Using the qww variant allows you to use quote characters for embedding strings in the word quoting structure:

say qww{"a b" c}.raku# OUTPUT: «("a b", "c")␤»

Other kinds of quotes are also supported with their usual semantics:

my $one = 'here';
my $other = 'there';
say qww{ ’this and that’ “$one or $other” 「infinity and beyond」 }.raku;
# OUTPUT: «("this and that", "here or there", "infinity and beyond")␤»

The delimiters of embedded strings are always considered word splitters:

say qww{'alpha'beta'gamma' 'delta'"epsilon"}.raku# OUTPUT: «("alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta", "epsilon")␤»