In Control flow§

See primary documentation in context for while, until

The while statement executes the block as long as its condition is true. So

my $x = 1;
while $x < 4 {
    print $x++;
print "\n";
# OUTPUT: «123␤»

Similarly, the until statement executes the block as long as the expression is false.

my $x = 1;
until $x > 3 {
    print $x++;
print "\n";
# OUTPUT: «123␤»

The condition for while or until can be parenthesized, but there must be a space between the keyword and the opening parenthesis of the condition.

Both while and until can be used as statement modifiers. E. g.

my $x = 42;
$x-- while $x > 12

Also see repeat/while and repeat/until below.

All these forms may produce a return value the same way loop does.