In role Iterator§

See primary documentation in context for method push-all.

method push-all(Iterator:D: $target)

Should produce all elements from the iterator and push them to $target.

my @array;
say (1 .. 1000).iterator.push-all(@array); # All 1000 values are pushed

The Iterator role implements this method in terms of push-at-least. As in the case of the other push-* methods, it is mainly intended for developers implementing this role. push-all is called when assigning an object with this role to an array, for instance, like in this example:

class DNA does Iterable does Iterator {
    has $.chain;
    has Int $!index = 0;

    method new ($chain where {
                       $chain ~~ /^^ <[ACGT]>+ $$ / and
                       $chain.chars %% 3 } ) {
        self.bless( :$chain );

    method iterator( ){ self }
    method pull-one( --> Mu){
      if $!index < $.chain.chars {
         my $codon = $.chain.comb.rotor(3)[$!index div 3];
         $!index += 3;
         return $codon;
      } else {
        return IterationEnd;

    method push-all(Iterator:D: $target) {
        for $.chain.comb.rotor(3) -> $codon {
            $target.push: $codon;


my $b :="AAGCCT");
my @dna-array = $b;
say @dna-array; # OUTPUT: «[(A A G) (C C T)]␤»

The push-all method implemented pushes to the target iterator in lists of three amino acid representations; this is called under the covers when we assign $b to @dna-array.