In Variables§

See primary documentation in context for &?ROUTINE.

The compile time variable &?ROUTINE provides introspection about which routine the program is actually within. It returns an instance of Routine attached to the current routine. It does support the method .name to obtain the name of the called routine, as well as .signature and others method related to Routine:

sub awesome-sub { say &? }
awesome-sub; # OUTPUT: «awesome-sub␤»

It also allows also for recursion:

my $counter = 10;
sub do-work {
    say 'Calling myself other ' ~ $counter-- ~ ' times';
    &?ROUTINE() if ( $counter > 0 );

Note that, in a multi, &?ROUTINE refers to the current candidate, not the multi as a whole.

Thus, the following recursive definition does not work:

multi broken-fibonacci($n where *  1) { $n }
multi broken-fibonacci($n where * > 0) {
    &?ROUTINE($n - 1) + &?ROUTINE($n - 2)

If called, &?ROUTINE would always refer to the second multi candidate and would never dispatch to the first. If you want to use self-recursion for the whole proto, either use the function name or samewith.