In Any§

See primary documentation in context for method List.

method List(--> List:D) is nodal

Coerces the invocant to List, using the list method.

In Array§

See primary documentation in context for method List.

multi method List(Array:D:)

Converts the array to a List.

my @array= [1];
say @array.List;       # OUTPUT: «(1 Nil Nil 3)␤»

The holes will show up as Nil.

In Slip§

See primary documentation in context for method List.

multi method List(Slip:D: --> List:D)

Turns it into a list.

In IterationBuffer§

See primary documentation in context for method List.

method List(IterationBuffer:D: --> List:D)

Coerces the IterationBuffer to a List.